Take the Beer Road Less Traveled

Aug 03, 2023

We understand. Sometimes it's hard to try new things. Or things you're just not used to. Yet, part of the thrill of embracing the world of craft beer lies in the opportunity to discover unexplored realms resting on the store shelves. This week, we encourage you to move out of your typical lane and try something a little different. Go on, you can do it... and we're here to help. Read on for our expert picks to help nudge you out of your comfort zone, this week courtesy of resident beer maven, Taylor, who hails out of our Krog location.

Hudson Valley Peach Silhouette (5.0%) - in the niche world of sour IPAs, nobody does them better than Hudson Valley. What's a sour IPA? It's a marriage pairing the tropical fruit-forward hoppiness of a hazy IPA with a juicy fruit sour and when done well, the matchup delivers a delightful explosion of flavors. Peach Silhouette is a prime reflection of Hudson Valley's expertise and super tasty craft. $22.99 / 16oz 4-pack; available at Krog & West End

Narrow Guage Dark Mild (3.2%) - a Mild is an English term used to describe a lower ABV, less bitter beer. A Dark Mild is a slightly roastier, more complex version of the former. If you love a good amber ale, Dark Milds will be right up your alley. Narrow Gauge's rift on the traditional style is lightly hopped, well balanced and super drinkable. $13.99 / 16oz 4-pack; available at Krog & West End

Newgrass Argy Bargy (4.6%) - An English style Best Bitter, but don't let the name confuse you. Bitters are more malt-driven and hoppier than a Mild, but aren't nearly as bitter as the typical hopped up American IPA. The sessionable Argy Bargy contains both English and local malts and is hopped with early and late additions of Fuggle and East Kent Golding. $11.99 / 16oz 4-pack; available at Krog & West End

Pipeworks Open Your Ryes (7.0%) - The use of rye in brewing brings a fresh lively complexity of grainy, spicy, and sharp flavors and it plays really well with the hoppy bitterness of an IPA. Open Your Ryes is peppery with a dry finish and is a great way to explore a fringe edge of the IPA style. $14.99 / 16oz 4-pack; available at Krog & West End

Try all 4 in our Weekly Mixpack - only $16.99! Limited supplies!



  • Hudson Valley - Marriage of Heaven and Hell DIPA (8.0%)
  • Hudson Valley - Peach Silhouette SIPA (5.0%)
  • Hudson Valley - Secret Life of Plants SIPA (8.0%)
  • Hudson Valley - Soleil SIPA (6.0%)
  • Tripping Animals - Ultimate Trip SIPA (6.0%)
  • Untitled Art - Hazy DIPA (Moksa Collab- 8.0%)


  • Tripping Animals - 150 Years of Peach Cobbler (6.0%)
  • Tripping Animals - Mangonificient Sour (6.0%)
  • Untitled Art - Mango Lassi (6.0%)

  • Evil Twin - Even More Jesus (12.0%)
  • Evil Twin - Imperial Biscotti Break (11.5%)
  • Off Color - Coffee DinoSmores (10.5%)
  • Off Color - Stoutling (3.2%)
  • Untitled Art - Chocolate PB Cookie Stout (8.0%)

  • Untitled Art - Guava Kiwi Berry (6.0%)


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