Weekly Blog - Georgia

Beer 101 With Our New Hop City Krog GM!
May 03, 2024
Hi, all! My name is Kendell, and I’m the newly minted GM of Hop City...
How Wine's Aromas Can Connect Us to Memories
May 02, 2024
Written By Jade Palmer, Krog Wine Manager When we swirl wine and sniff our glasses,...
What Is Wine Anyway?
Apr 25, 2024
Liz Miller, Hop City West End Wine Manager I recently met with Sour Grapes founder...
Beer & Beverage Season is Upon Us!
Apr 19, 2024
It’s officially festival season in Atlanta, and we couldn’t be happier! The sun is shining,...
Rosé Always & Our Upcoming Wine Tasting!
Apr 18, 2024
If you ask me, everyone should be drinking rosé all year long. I said what...
Our Cup Runneth Over!
Apr 12, 2024
If you’ve been paying attention to our newsletters lately, you may recall a couple weeks...