Pardon our dust while we prepare our brand new patio space!

It's been a long time coming, and we're finally getting the renovated patio space we've been planning for quite awhile now! Thanks to the amazing folks at Father Nature Landscapes, we're going to have a brand new, cozy, beautiful outdoor space where y'all can hang out and sip beer and wine. We're expecting a beautiful new surface, new planters, a cloth overhang to provide some shade, and all new furniture! It's going to be an ongoing process, but stay tuned for updates.
For now, it is easiest to get to us from the 2nd Avenue South side of the building. You CAN NOT enter the store via the doors by the bar, and parking in the lot off 3rd Avenue South is limited. But we are still here for you! Just come in the doors by the register on the 2nd Avenue South side.

Good People: Snake Handler - Legendary double IPA
Wild Leap: Island Haze - Hazy IPA with grapefruit and pineapple
Stone: Enjoy By 10.31.23 - Hazy double IPA, meant to be drank fresh!
Sixpoint: Bone Chill - Winter double IPA with spiced pear and spruce
Wiseacre: Air Bath - Session IPA
Whole Hog: Oatmeal Cream Pie Stout - Imperial stout with natural flavors
Point: Cookies and Cream Stout - Stout with natural flavors
Birmingham District: Oktoberfest - Hearty Oktoberfest style lager
Sixpoint: Wintry Fix - Winter lager
Goat Island: PGA Gold - American blonde ale
Goat Island: Duck River - German-style Dunkel lager
Parish: Drive Thru Purple 9000 - Imperial Berliner style Weisse with boysenberry, marionberry and grape
Best Day Brewing: Electro-Lime - N/A Mexican style lager with lime and sea salt
Best Day Brewing: Kolsch - N/A Kolsch style ale
Best Day Brewing: Hazy IPA - N/A Hazy IPA